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17 Top Health Insurance Lead Generation Ideas For 2024

Discover 17 proven health insurance lead generation ideas to give your sales a clean bill of health this year.

In the health insurance sector, generating leads is more than just knowing the ins and outs of policies. If you’re an agent wanting to keep your game strong, having a strategy for generating health insurance leads is pretty much non-negotiable. As 2024 brings new hurdles, agents must get creative with their limited budgets to draw in and keep potential clients.

Here are 16 ways health insurance agents can generate leads in 2024.

1. Get On Social Media

Social media can be a goldmine for health insurance leads, allowing you to with potential clients in a more direct and personable way.

On platforms like Facebook and Instagram, a great strategy is to post educational content. For example, you could share infographics or short videos explaining different types of health insurance plans or demystifying common insurance terms. Doing this not only enlightens your followers, but also builds on your reputation as an expert in the field.

Search “health insurance” on Instagram – some of these reels have 1m+ views!

Real-life stories from actual customers who love your content are super convincing and let people trust you more. Often, people put their faith in reviews from fellow users and real-world experiences. By posting testimonials, you’re showing the tangible benefits of your services. Don’t forget to include stories that showcase how your insurance plans have helped clients in challenging times. It’ll make your company feel more real and builds deep, emotional bonds with the people who follow you.

Jumping on health-related trends or current happenings can be a savvy move too. For instance, if there’s a new health reform or a public health crisis, sharing your insights or advice can be incredibly valuable. This shows that you’re up-to-date and involved in the wider health conversation.

LinkedIn, being more professional, is perfect for publishing articles or in-depth content about the health insurance industry. Because the health insurance landscape is constantly shifting, regularly publishing well-researched articles with actionable tips helps establish your authority and attract more clients. Writing stellar posts like these can help boost your profile, making you a hot ticket for industry big shots as their go-to health insurance guru.

Remember, it’s not just about posting content, but also about engaging with your audience. Regularly responding to comments, messages, and even participating in relevant groups or discussions can significantly enhance your social media presence. By being active and responsive, you’re not just a faceless brand but a reliable and approachable source in the health insurance domain.

It’s crucial to pump out content on social media, but don’t forget that real connection comes from engaging with your audience – chatting in the comments, answering messages and jumping into relevant discussions. Being active makes you more than just a brand; it positions you as a reliable go-to source for health insurance info.

2. Try Facebook / Meta Ads

Facebook Ads can be a highly scalable, repeatable channel to deliver targeted health insurance leads. Here’s how to get it running for your business:

First off, focus on driving conversions with your Facebook ad campaign.

Direct potential clients to a dedicated landing page on your website, crafted to convert visitors into leads. Ensure your landing page is packed with useful info and super engaging, clearly outlining the benefits of your plans. This approach is more effective than capturing leads directly on Facebook as it gathers leads with a higher intent.

Kickstarting your campaign with a unique promotional deal can really turn heads. Offers like a discount on the first month’s premium or complimentary health check-ups can be enticing. Ensure that your special offer is highlighted in both your ad and on the landing page. Such offers can be adjusted or removed later as needed.

Let’s dive into the art part – your ad design. It’s crucial to perform split tests (A/B tests) on different ad creatives to see which one resonates best with your target audience. Play around with different pictures, wording, and layouts to see what really clicks with your health insurance campaign. Since every health insurance business is unique, personalized testing is essential to understand your specific audience.

This Health Insurance Facebook Ad features a happy family and eye-catching text.

Incorporate authenticity in your ads by featuring real customers, yourself, or your team. Authenticity builds trust, and showcasing testimonials or experiences from satisfied clients can be highly persuasive.

Try tapping into the power of psychology in your ads, like playing up a sense of ‘only for you’ or hinting at limited supply. Phrases such as “Limited availability” (assuming this is true!) or “Exclusive offer for first-time customers” create urgency and a sense of exclusivity, encouraging potential clients to act fast.

For those new to Facebook advertising, start by targeting demographics likely to need health insurance, such as middle-aged individuals or parents. Use Facebook’s targeting options to reach these groups effectively. You can later expand using lookalike targeting once your pixel has measured some conversions. Because lookalike audiences are made up of people similar to your current customers, targeting them can help get higher-quality leads at scale.

Lastly, don’t overlook the Facebook Ads Library. It’s a valuable resource where you can find examples from various industries, including health insurance. Look at what the big shots in your field are doing right, and use their winning plays as a roadmap for your own game plan.

3. Leverage email marketing

Email marketing is key for health insurance lead generation, offering a direct communication channel with potential clients. To really nail email marketing, you’ve got to have a solid list.

Attract site visitors to grow your email list by offering them irresistible goodies like thought-provoking articles or interactive webinars.

Once you have an email list, engage your audience with regular newsletters, updates on new products, and personalized offers. To make your emails more relevant, segment your list based on age, location, and specific insurance needs. Because targeted emails that speak to each group’s specific needs are more likely to turn leads into customers by offering solutions tailored to their unique health insurance requirements.

This introductory email from Lucent Health gives a great sense of purpose.

Customized emails that nail their specific health insurance needs are a solid bet to turn those email addresses into leads.

4. Start Content marketing

Content marketing is a vital tool specifically for generating health insurance leads. By developing content that’s valuable, relevant, and consistent, you can effectively attract and engage your audience. This approach is not just about sharing information; it’s about building trust and establishing your brand as an authority in the health insurance sector.

In this industry, “content” could include detailed blog posts explaining different insurance policies, video explainers on how health insurance can be a financial safeguard, infographics breaking down complex insurance terms, or podcasts featuring discussions on current health insurance trends and changes.

Spreading your content through various channels is absolutely vital. Although social media and email can widen your audience, your website remains the mothership for your content. Sharing tips on choosing the right health insurance plan on social media, or sending out a newsletter highlighting the latest changes in the industry will help generate more health insurance leads.

5. Optimize Your Site For SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital for increasing organic traffic and generating health insurance leads. Boosting your website’s visibility and scoring more health insurance leads can be a cinch – just spruce up your site, craft engaging content, and climb those search engine rankings.

Focus on making your website user-friendly and ensure it’s accessible on mobile devices. Incorporate relevant health insurance-related keywords into your content, meta descriptions, and headings to target specific audiences. For instance, if you’re targeting young families, you might use terms like “affordable health coverage for children”. Tools like SEMRush can help you decide exactly which keywords to target.

Also, make sure to get top-notch backlinks from trusted sites that relate to yours, as this will really boost your website’s credibility. Engage in guest posting on health and insurance blogs or collaborate with influencers in the healthcare sector. Regularly update your website with fresh, informative content about health insurance trends and tips. Keeping your audience hooked and updating regularly not only makes your site a hot spot for info, but also gives search engines a heads up that you’re worth checking out.

Ramp up your site’s trust factor by building ace backlinks from respected, related sites; dive into guest posting on health insurance blogs or join forces with healthcare sector influencers. Consistently refresh your website with unique, enlightening content about the latest in health insurance trends and advice to not only captivate your audience but also give search engines a nudge that you’re a valuable resource keeping pace with time.

6. Get a referral program going.

When it comes to generating leads for health insurance, there’s no denying the potent impact of a well-set referral system. People are more likely to trust and consider your health insurance offerings if they’re recommended by someone they know. Set up a referral system where your existing customers can refer their friends and family members to your services.

Give your customers a bit of an incentive, like rewards or discounts, to get them excited about referring more people. Make sure your customers can easily tell their friends about your services by keeping the referral process simple and user-friendly.

7. Attend Networking Events

Networking events are great for connecting with potential health insurance leads. Attend industry conferences and seminars where you might meet small business owners seeking group health insurance or individuals looking for family coverage. To get leads, just go to conferences and talk to people to learn what they need so you can follow up.

Instead of just giving out your business cards, focus more on getting people’s contact details using a lead collection system or form. Chat to them genuinely, spark their interest and exchange contact information to stay in touch.

Post-event, follow up with these contacts through personalized messages or calls, reinforcing your discussions and highlighting how your health insurance services can benefit them.

8. Bid on Google PPC

Google Ads Pay-Per-Click (PPC) is a potent tool in the arsenal for generating health insurance leads. Just like Meta Ads, Google Ads lets you pinpoint specific keywords and target particular demographics and locations. By picking the right keywords, your ads pop up first when people search – making you more visible and bringing in loads of potential leads.

When picking out keywords for health insurance, it’s key to balance both general and more specific terms. Broad terms could include keywords like “health insurance,” “medical coverage,” or “healthcare plans.” These are likely to have a higher search volume but also face more competition – so will be very expensive.

To hit the mark with your audience, ponder on using keywords that are more customized and directly reflect what you’re bringing to the table. For instance, if your company specializes in affordable health plans, keywords such as “affordable health insurance” or “low-cost medical coverage” could be effective. Similarly, if your focus is on family health plans, terms like “family health insurance”.

If your services are specific to a certain area, using location-focused keywords can be really helpful. For instance, “health insurance in [City/State]” or “medical coverage providers in [City/State]” can help you target potential customers in your service areas. Demographic-based keywords can also be effective. For example, targeting terms like “health insurance for seniors” or “student health plans” can attract specific segments of the population that your services cater to best.

9. Kick off some webinars.

Webinars offer a unique platform for engaging with potential leads, allowing you to delve into various health insurance topics, interact with the audience through Q&A sessions, and share valuable insights. By showcasing your know-how and positioning yourself as a go-to expert in health insurance, you’re not only building trust but also scoring more leads for your business.

HAP hosts “Wellness Wednesdays” and regular events.

You could host webinars on topics like “Health Insurance Choices for Small Businesses” to target owners who need help figuring out how to cover their employees. Or, you could conduct webinars like ‘Health Insurance Options for Small Businesses’, targeting small business owners who need to understand their options for providing health insurance to their employees. Alternatively, a webinar like ‘Health Insurance Considerations for Retirees’ could appeal to an older demographic, covering topics like Medicare, supplemental insurance, and retirement health planning.

But you could also cover hot issues in health insurance right now, like changes to policies during the pandemic. For example, a webinar on ‘Navigating Health Insurance During a Pandemic’ can provide timely information on how health insurance companies are responding to the pandemic, changes in policy coverage, and tips for maintaining coverage.

10. Build Your LinkedIn Audience

Building your LinkedIn audience as a health insurance agent involves a mix of informative and engaging content. Here are some effective strategies:

Educational Posts are essential. But small businesses and startups need to get strategic with every dollar.

Keeping folks in the loop with fresh news on health insurance rules, laws and policy shifts is what Industry Updates are all about. This cements your reputation as a pro in the health insurance world.

Client Success Stories, with permission, can be shared to demonstrate how you’ve helped clients find the right health insurance plan. This helps to build a solid foundation of trust while also flaunting your know-how.

Although sharing personal insights occasionally can help build rapport, stay focused on demonstrating expertise through client success stories in a professional essay. Occasionally sharing your thoughts on the health insurance industry or your approach to finding the best plans for clients humanises your profile and helps build a personal connection.

Just remember, consistency is the name of the game here. Staying fresh in your network’s mind hinges on regular content updates. Also, engaging with comments on your posts and participating in discussions on others’ content can significantly boost your visibility on the platform.

11. Partner With Healthcare Providers

Collaborating with healthcare providers is a shrewd strategy. This approach isn’t just about selling insurance, it’s about integrating into the healthcare journey of potential clients. Partnering with nearby clinics and medical centers could help get your services right in front of the folks who need them. By offering tailored insurance plans that align with the specific requirements of a clinic’s patient base, you can create a seamless connection between healthcare provision and insurance coverage.

Hooking up with gyms and wellness programs lets you tap into people who care about staying healthy and want coverage that fits their lifestyle. People engaged in these programs are already invested in their health and, by extension, in securing suitable insurance. But partnering with health organizations to run joint workshops on insurance gives you a chance to help people who are already invested in their health and looking for the right coverage. This approach will position not just as a seller, but as an advisor and partner in the listener’s health and wellbeing journey.

Community outreach through health programs builds relationships and positions you as an advisor, not just a salesperson.

12. Attend Community Events

Community events can be a smart way to attract health-conscious individuals and businesses and generate health insurance leads.

Health fairs and wellness expos are often brimming with a health-focused crowd – and provide an ideal setting for agents to discuss insurance options and offer consultations. A hands-on booth with fun activities is a solid bet to grab people’s attention and kick off chats about their health requirements and how insurance can help.

Joining in on charity runs and fitness events is a pretty solid way to link up with folks who are active and tuned into their health. Agents can back parts of the event or set up shop with booths, offering a chill yet relevant setting to talk about how having health insurance fits into living an active lifestyle.

Hosting or co-hosting educational seminars on topics like understanding health insurance options or navigating healthcare costs at community centres or local gatherings can establish agents as knowledgeable and helpful advisors in the health insurance domain. Not only do these sessions drum up potential health insurance leads, but they also let you build a solid rep as a community’s go-to for all things health-related.

13. Send A Direct Mail Campaign

Despite the rise of digital marketing, direct mail can still be effective for health insurance lead generation. Fire off custom letters, leaflets, or postcards to potential folks, letting them in on what your health insurance deals are all about.

This Health Insurance Direct Mail design is available on Behance.

14. Build Your Customer Reviews

Online reviews are a powerful tool for health insurance lead generation. Potential customers often look at reviews before deciding on a health insurance provider. Encourage your satisfied customers to leave reviews on platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, and others to build your online reputation and attract more leads.

You can also create a ‘success stories’ section where clients share how you helped them find the best health insurance plan. Showing off your smarts isn’t just about showing off – it’s a trust-building exercise that hooks more health insurance leads. Remember, dealing with online reviews, good or bad, is key—it shows you care about what folks think and are all-in on delivering great service. Engaging like this can seriously ramp up your trustworthiness and get you more health insurance leads.

15. Get Seen On Local Search

Enhance your visibility in local searches by regularly updating your business information on directories and ensuring consistency across platforms. Include relevant keywords such as “health insurance agent in [Your City]” in your business description.

How about crafting articles for your website that tackle health insurance topics distinct to your region? Boosting your local search engine rank can let more potential leads discover you with ease.

16. Start Or Appear On A Podcast

When starting or appearing on a podcast, focus on topics that resonate with your target audience.

For instance, discuss changes in health insurance policies, tips for choosing the right plan, or explain complex insurance terms in simple language. Team up with pros in the health or finance field to give your content more punch and variety.

Remember to promote your podcast episodes on your website and social media channels, and encourage listeners to subscribe and share.

17. Get More Leads With Growform

In the bustling health insurance sector, every website visitor could be a new customer.

But with ever-shortening attention spans and increasing mobile usage, the battle for your audience’s focus is fiercer than ever.

A tedious, lengthy form demanding too much information from the start can deter potential clients, denting your lead generation and wasting your advertising budget.

Enter Growform:

Growform isn’t just another form builder – it was built from the ground for lead generation. It uses conversion rate optimization best-practices, UX research and psychological principles to get you more leads.

With Growform, your users are never greeted with a boring wall of questions.

Here’s what a Growform form for an insurance company looks like:

You can try out this lead capture form here.

By splitting up questions onto multiple steps and asking them in an engaging way, you’ll be on the way to capturing twice as many leads from the same traffic.

It’s easy to embed a Growform form into any page of your website, and the tool can send leads pretty much anywhere via Zapier.

Health insurance agents and lead generation experts worldwide use Growform to squeeze more leads from their landing pages, qualify their leads better and keep track of what’s working. Try a 14 day free trial, with no credit card required!


Get more health insurance leads and qualify them better with Growform, the lead generation form builder.

14 day free trial

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