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19 Best Mortgage Lead Generation Ideas For 2024

Leverage these 21 prime lead generation strategies for better mortgage lead generation in 2024.

Securing leads in the mortgage industry is about more than just offering good rates; it’s about connecting with homebuyers and owners on their journey. With 2024 unfolding, mortgage professionals must refine their strategies to not only reach but also resonate with potential clients.

In this article, we’ll focus on reaching new clients with modern mortgage lead generation methods like Google My Business and Facebook Ads – whilst reintroducing some time-tested techniques too.

Ready to transform your lead generation into a foundation for lasting client relationships? Let’s go!

1. Create a Strong Google My Business Profile

When people search for mortgages, you want your name to pop up, right? A well-optimised Google My Business (GMB) profile does just that. It’ll show your business on Google Maps, at the top of search results and more.

But it’s not just about being seen. Your GMB profile is a trust signal. It’s where reviews and ratings live. And let’s be honest – we all like to see a five-star rating and read a few good words about someone before we trust them with something as big as a mortgage.

A strong GMB profile will result in being featured, like this!

Encourage your satisfied clients to leave a review – more positive reviews mean more trust, which in turn means more leads.

Also, don’t just set it and forget it. Keep your profile up-to-date. This includes your contact details, services offered, and any special promotions or events. Regular updates signal to Google that you’re active and relevant, which can help improve your search ranking. Plus, it shows potential clients that you’re on the ball.

Google My Business can be a powerhouse for mortgage lead generation, so give your profile the attention it deserves!

2. Partner With Local Businesses

Partnering with local businesses can significantly boost your mortgage lead generation efforts. These businesses often have direct contact with potential home buyers and can provide valuable leads.

But who should you partner with?

Local estate agents are the frontline of the property market and can provide a steady stream of referrals. They’re crucial in the property-buying journey of many individuals, often being the first point of contact for potential homeowners. Their deep understanding of the market, insight into buyer behaviours, and knowledge of the latest property trends make them invaluable allies.

Estate agents can make valuable allies

By aligning with real estate agents, you position yourself to be the recommended mortgage expert to a diverse and motivated audience. These referrals are often high-quality leads, as they come from a trusted source and are actively looking to purchase property.

But don’t stop there.

Think about aligning with local financial advisors, solicitors, and even home improvement firms. Each of these businesses interacts with individuals at various stages of the property-buying process, many of whom will be in need of mortgage advice.

First, identify the businesses in your area that align with your target market. Then, reach out with a compelling proposition. Don’t just ask for referrals; offer them value in return. Maybe you can provide financial education sessions for their staff or offer to feature them in your marketing materials. The key is to foster a relationship that’s mutually beneficial.

Remember, these businesses are more likely to send leads your way if they see a tangible benefit for themselves.

3. Make Use Of Marketplaces

Lead marketplaces such as Zillow can be an excellent source of mortgage leads. Zillow is a popular online real estate marketplace that connects buyers, sellers, and renters with real estate professionals.

Zillow Home Loans is always a popular place with prospective clients

Zillow (which also powers Trulia) offers a mortgage advertising platform called Connect. This allows consumers using their family of websites to answer a series of questions to find a local provider like yourself.

Zillow’s Custom Quotes service, on the other hand, is a mortgage marketing platform for larger call centers to show their rates for consumers who are in-market for purchase and refinance rates.

You might also be interested in Redfin‘s partner program, which provides a similar service.

4. Bid On Google Ads (PPC)

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is another effective mortgage lead generation strategy – and thanks to keyword targeting, can be a source of laser-targeted mortgage leads. Google Ads, in particular, offers you the opportunity to advertise your mortgage services to customers already searching for you.

Google Ads operates on a bidding system, where you can bid on specific keywords related to your services. When a user searches for these keywords, Google displays the top bids as ads at the top of the search results.

Say someone types in “mortgage rates in Philadelphia”. For a cost, your ad could be the first thing they see. It’s like putting your business card directly into the hands of someone looking for exactly what you offer.

PPC ads like this can be expensive!

Be warned though – Google Ads can be extremely expensive for mortgage search terms, so be careful – we’re talking or + per click depending on the search terms. If you’re not sure, you should engage a trusted PPC marketing agency.

You might wonder how this ties in with Google My Business (GMB), which we covered earlier. While GMB is crucial for local search engine optimization and helps in organic reach, you can enhance your credibility and reach by integrating it with your PPC strategy.

When your PPC ads are backed by a strong GMB profile, it reassures potential clients of your legitimacy and local relevance. This dual approach can boost your mortgage lead generation efforts beyond just using one or the other.

5. Become Insta-Famous

Instagram isn’t just a platform for picturesque holiday snaps; it can be used to generate mortgage leads too. Why? Because it’s where your audience is already hanging out, scrolling through their feeds, and engaging with content!

Search “Mortgages” on instagram, and some reals have over a million views!

The key here is to create posts that aren’t just visually appealing but also loaded with value. Think about showcasing success stories of clients who’ve just bought their dream home through your mortgage services. These real-life examples not only build trust but also spark the imagination of potential clients.

Now, let’s talk hashtags and stories. Using the right hashtags can make your content discoverable to those looking for mortgage advice. And with Instagram Stories, you can give a behind-the-scenes look at the mortgage process, simplifying complex topics through engaging, bite-sized content. This approach not only educates but also establishes you as an approachable expert in the field.

Engagement is key. Prompt your followers to ask mortgage-related questions in the comments or through direct messages. This not only boosts your post’s visibility but also gives you a direct line to interested leads. Remember, every comment is a potential lead knocking at your door.

Mortgages aren’t the most Instagrammable subject out there, so this won’t be an easy nut to crack – but it’ll be worth it if you do.

6. Host Informative Webinars

Imagine this: You’re hosting a webinar on real estate, and the virtual room is packed with potential clients. Their eyes and ears are tuned into you as you discuss the latest in property trends, investment strategies, or the ins and outs of the housing market. This isn’t just a platform to show off your knowledge; it’s your chance to build a genuine connection with people who are genuinely interested in what you have to say.

Webinars in real estate are incredibly flexible. You can delve into various topics, from navigating the property market as a first-time buyer to strategies for seasoned investors, or even a deep dive into local property hotspots. The aim is to craft sessions that are not only informative but also genuinely engaging, leaving your attendees impressed by your depth of knowledge and insight.

Better With Money often host informative webinars to stay in touch with prospects

Here’s a brilliant part: webinars are fantastic for generating leads. When people register, they’re not just signing up for a talk; they’re giving you a gateway to connect with them. They’re sharing their contact details because they’re interested in what you have to say, and that’s a big deal. After the webinar, you’ve got yourself a list of warm leads, people who are already halfway through the door.

The follow-up is where the magic happens. A well-crafted, personalised message to these attendees can transform casual interest into serious enquiries.

To make your webinar a hit, think about adding interactive elements. Imagine having live polls, Q&A sessions, or even virtual property tours. These aren’t just fancy add-ons; they make your webinar more engaging and provide valuable immediate feedback.

Don’t just keep your webinar under wraps. Splash it across your website, shoot it out in your email newsletters. To reach an even broader audience, list it on platforms like Eventbrite or collaborate with local businesses or personalities. It’s all about expanding your reach.

Remember, in the world of real estate, an informed client is a client who’s ready to make decisions. Your webinar isn’t just a presentation; it’s the beginning of a conversation that might just lead them to their dream property and you to your next successful deal.

7. Run Targeted Facebook Ads

Mortgage Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads can be a powerful tool for mortgage lead generation.

When it comes to targeting, Facebook is a powerhouse. You can narrow down to potential homeowners like a pro. Think demographics: age groups likely to buy homes, perhaps 30-50 year olds, or targeting based on interests like real estate websites or home improvement. Location targeting is important, too – if you’re focusing on specific areas or regions, you can make sure your ads pop up for people living there.

MyTown Mortgage use simple, straightforward text and a no-frills video in their Facebook ad

Now, the image. This is what catches the eye, right? You need something that screams “home sweet home.” Imagine a cosy living room or a family enjoying their garden. It’s about creating that emotional tug. Keep it high-quality and relatable. No need for flashy mansions; a comfortable, inviting home works wonders.

And the copy – it’s got to be engaging, informative, and most importantly, trustworthy. Start with a hook – something like, “Ready to step into your dream home?” Then, lay out the benefits of working with you for their mortgage needs. Keep it clear and jargon-free. Remember, you’re not just selling a service; you’re offering the key to their dream home.

Mortgage Facebook Ads Examples

Don’t forget to check the Facebook Ads Library for examples of other successful mortgage advertisements. The idea here isn’t to steal, but rather take inspiration from a wide variety of competitors.

8. Optimise Your Website for Local SEO

Local SEO is a crucial aspect of mortgage lead generation. It involves optimizing your website to rank higher in local search results, making it easier for potential customers in your area to find your business.

We’ve already covered Google My Business and PPC – so we’re going to cover ranking for local search terms.

Let’s talk keywords first. You’ll want to sprinkle in location-specific keywords throughout your site – think “mortgage broker in [your city]” or “home loans in [your area]”.

It’s not just about being seen; it’s about being seen by the right people in the right moment – those in your community who are actively searching for the services you provide.

Now, onto the user experience. Your website needs to be mobile-friendly, lightning-fast, and easy to navigate. A site that’s a hassle to use is like a closed door to potential leads.

Content is king, so let’s put that crown to work.

Create informative, engaging content that answers the real questions your local audience has. Blog post titles like “First-time Home Buyer Tips in [Your Area]” or “Understanding Mortgage Rates in [Your City]” aren’t just helpful; they establish you as the local go-to expert.

Don’t forget the power of reviews and testimonials. Showcase these on your site to build trust. A good word from a neighbour goes a long way in establishing credibility.

In essence, optimising your website for local SEO is about making sure when someone in your area is looking for mortgage advice, it’s your name that pops up.

It’s about being the friendly, expert face in a sea of digital anonymity – and using your local know-how to stand out. Make your website not just a source of information, but a local beacon for mortgage guidance.

9. Collaborate with Property Influencers

Collaborating with property influencers is a hard-to-crack but powerful strategy for mortgage lead generation. Think about it: these influencers have already cultivated a community that trusts their opinion on all things property and home.

Property can get hundreds of likes on each post

How would you get an influencer on board, anyway? Start by identifying influencers whose followers match your target demographic. You want to work with those who have an engaging presence and talk about property investment, home renovations, or real estate market trends.

Once you’ve got your shortlist, it’s time to reach out. But here’s the kicker: don’t just think about one-off posts. Aim for a partnership that includes a series of posts or stories that weave your mortgage services into the influencer’s content naturally. This way, it doesn’t come off as a hard sell but rather as valuable information within content they already enjoy.

Unlike boring financial newspapers and webpages, influencers can showcase the practical benefits of your mortgage services in a relatable context. Imagine a post where an influencer discusses the journey of buying their first home and highlights how your mortgage advice made it possible. That’s powerful storytelling in play, and it resonates more deeply than any traditional ad.

But remember, engagement is key. This is not just about spreading the word; it’s about building a community around your brand, making your mortgage services a part of the property conversation on social media.

10. Engage with Local Community Events

Participating in local community events is another more traditional way to bring in more mortgage leads. These events provide an opportunity to connect with potential customers, showcase your services, and build a presence in your community.

Look for relevant events in your area – events like homebuyer seminars, property expos, and community fairs are perfect. Set up a booth, chat with attendees and hand out any promotional materials you have to hand. Offer valuable advice and information to establish yourself as a trusted mortgage expert, rather than just selling your services.

Also, you might consider sponsoring local events or partnering with event organizers. This enhances your reputation in the community – and although it might not generate mortgage leads on day 1, it could make people more amenable to your services in the future.

11. Develop a Referral Program

A referral program can be an effective way to generate mortgage leads. A referral program involves rewarding your existing customers for referring their friends, family, or colleagues to your business. It can be fully automated involving unique codes and smart tracking systems – but it’s probably quickest to set up a low-tech version first and then scale up to this.

Offer attractive incentives, such as discounts, cash rewards, or gift cards, to encourage your customers to refer others. Also, make it easy for your customers to refer others by providing them with referral links or codes.

Promote your referral program on your website, social media platforms, and email newsletters. Regularly remind your customers about the program and the benefits they can receive, but don’t get too spammy with it!

The best time to mention your referral program is when your client is at their happiest, so consider reaching out when they’ve successfully purchased their dream home. Add in a bit of email automation and you have a repeatable formula to capturing more mortgage leads through referral marketing!

12. Attend Industry Networking Events

Attending industry networking events is a smart move for mortgage professionals looking to ramp up their lead generation game. Unlike local community events, industry gatherings are a direct line to a concentrated pool of potential clients and collaborators who are already interested or involved in the property and mortgage market. These events can range from national mortgage expos and conferences to more specialised gatherings like real estate investment forums or home builder conventions.

Industry events are a great way to meet likeminded people

What makes these events particularly lucrative is their ability to put you in the same room as industry movers and shakers. These are the people who can refer a steady stream of clients to you, simply because they meet potential mortgage takers day in, day out. By forming strategic alliances here, you’re positioning yourself at the heart of the action.

But it’s not just about rubbing shoulders with industry elites. These events often host a variety of educational sessions, workshops, and panels led by industry leaders. Participating in these sessions not only enhances your knowledge and keeps you abreast of the latest market trends, but also establishes you as an informed and engaged professional.

And let’s not forget the power of branding. Attending these high-profile events and contributing to discussions, either as a speaker or an active participant in Q&A sessions, raises your profile. It subtly imprints your brand in the minds of potential clients and peers. You might even consider setting up a booth or sponsoring a session, ensuring your presence is visible and memorable.

13. Buy Mortgage Leads

Buying mortgage leads from a reputable lead generation company (or mortgage lead generator) can be a quick and effective way to boost your mortgage lead generation efforts.

These companies make use of many of the techniques mentioned in this guide (SEO, PPC, Facebook Ads to name a few) to send leads straight to your email address or CRM. This will be done on a cost per lead basis.

Mortgage leads come in all shapes and sizes: there’s exclusive leads that are only sold to you, non-exclusive leads that are sent to multiple lenders, and even aged leads which may have been in the market for a while but haven’t yet converted.

The key is to choose the type that aligns with your business strategy and budget. Exclusive leads, while pricier, often offer a higher conversion rate since you’re not competing with others. On the flip side, shared leads are more affordable and can be a great option if you have a strong follow-up strategy and a knack for standing out from the crowd.

Aged leads can be a hidden gem, and can offer great value if you have the right approach to re-engage them.

What’s vital here is ensuring you partner with a reputable lead generation company.

A good provider will have a transparent process, providing clear information on how their leads are generated and qualified. They will also be upfront about their pricing structure and the type of leads you can expect. Ask for case studies or testimonials to get a sense of their track record.

It’s also wise to start with a small batch of leads to test their quality before committing to a larger purchase.

Although we can’t personally vouch for these companies, during our research, we came across the following mortgage lead generation companies during our research: Good Vibe Squad, Loan Bright and Mortgage Bite

14. Create A Lead Magnet

Giving something away for free is a powerful way of attracting more mortgage leads. In fact, this technique is so powerful it’s often referred to as a “lead magnet”.

Coreco provide a First Time Buyer’s Guide as one of their mortgage lead magnets

Think along the lines of “How to Get the Best Mortgage Rates,” “Understanding Mortgage Fees and How to Avoid Them,” or “The Pros and Cons of Different Mortgage Terms.” These are topics that resonate with people actively researching mortgages.

Tailor your reports to different segments of your audience. For example, first-time buyers might appreciate a guide like “Navigating Your First Mortgage: What You Need to Know.” Meanwhile, someone looking to remortgage could be drawn to another topic entirely.

Promote your free reports on your website, social media platforms, and email newsletters. Encourage your audience to download the reports in exchange for their contact information. When users download these reports, you can gather their contact details, allowing for follow-up conversations and personalised marketing.

Another popular area is a mortgage calculator – by adding mortgage calculators to your site, you can provide something of value whilst generating leads, since your users will be providing key information like their purchase price and email address.

Don’t expect these users to empty their wallets immediately – exchanging contact information for a lead magnet is only the first of many steps. It can be a great way to springboard a conversation though, and at the very least will put you in the mind of somebody interested in mortgages right now.

15. Engage in Community Sponsorships

Engaging in community sponsorships can be a great way to increase your visibility and generate mortgage leads. By sponsoring local events, charities, or sports teams, you can showcase your commitment to the community and reach a wider audience.

Choose sponsorship opportunities that align with your brand and target audience. Promote your sponsorship – tastefully – on your website, social media platforms, and press releases. Enjoy attending the events you sponsor and engage with the attendees.

However, ensure your sponsorships are genuine and not just another mortgage broker’s marketing tactic. Supporting the community can enhance your reputation and build trust with your potential customers – as well as giving back to your local community.

17. Use LinkedIn for B2B Networking

LinkedIn, with its professional network, offers a unique platform to connect with potential clients and industry peers. By sharing insightful content, you can establish yourself as a knowledgeable authority in the mortgage sector.

You could by crafting articles that demystify mortgage processes for first-time buyers or provide valuable tips for refinancing. This type of content not only educates your audience but also showcases your expertise. Regularly post market analyses or updates about mortgage rates, tapping into current trends or changes in the housing market. These posts can attract individuals actively seeking mortgage advice or those contemplating property investment.

Engaging with industry-specific news is another effective approach. Share your perspectives on regulatory changes or new lending criteria, offering a nuanced understanding that can benefit both your peers as well as potential clients. This positions you as a go-to resource for both industry updates and mortgage guidance.

Remember, LinkedIn is also about interaction. Engage with comments on your posts, answer questions, and participate in relevant groups. This fosters relationships and increases the likelihood of your content being shared, widening your audience reach.

18. Organise First-Time Buyer Workshops

Engaging first-time homebuyers with tailored workshops is great for generating mortgage leads. You could offer practical sessions like ‘Understanding Mortgages’ or ‘Navigating Property Markets’, either in-person or as virtual webinars.

Make these workshops interactive with questions, case studies, and scenarios, helping you understand attendee needs. After the workshop, follow up with resources, consultations, or invite them to an online community for continued support.

You should promote the workshops on your website, social media, and local boards, as well as encouraging pre-registration.

19. Get More Leads With Growform

Every visitor to your website is a potential mortgage lead, but with shortening attention spans and mobile screen-time on the rise, you’re competing for your users’ attention more than ever.

A long, boring form that asks for too much information upfront will quickly turns users away, wasting valuable opportunities and ad spend.

This is where Growform steps in:

Growform isn’t just another form builder – it was built from the ground for lead generation. It uses conversion rate optimization best-practices, UX research and psychological principles to get you more leads.

With Growform, your users are never greeted with a boring wall of questions.

Here’s what a mortgage company form looks like:

By splitting up questions onto multiple steps and asking them in an engaging way, you’ll be on the way to capturing twice as many leads from the same traffic.

It’s easy to embed a Growform form into any page of your website, and the tool can send leads pretty much anywhere via Zapier.

There are hundreds of templates available, including those specifically designed for mortgages.

Mortgage lead generation experts worldwide use Growform to squeeze more leads from their landing pages, qualify their leads better and keep track of what’s working. Try a 14 day free trial, with no credit card required!


Get more mortgage leads and qualify them better with Growform, the lead generation form builder.

14 day free trial

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